Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Training Update

This is me (6241) two years ago finishing a 5K. Can you imagine what I'll look like finishing the marathon?

So our weather finally helped me out so that I could get a run in outside for a change. (Last Sat. I had to run 12 miles inside on the treadmill. Talk about a LONG run!)

Yesterday I needed to run 14 miles. I kind of fretted about it all week but I got myself ready to head out about 9:45. I told hubby I'd be back in a little over 2 hours. (2:25:51 to be exact!) It was cold starting out but the sun was shining so that made all the difference. I ran a really good 12 miles but by mile 13 I was starting to tire. I made it home and when I walked in the house Jerry was making himself lunch. He didn't expect me back so soon. In fact he said at one point he had looked outside to see if I was laying on the road. He doesn't have much confidence in me at all, does he?

Today I'm not feeling too bad. My legs need some rest but my toes are pretty sore from bumping the tops of my shoes with each step. I am in need of new orthodics and running shoes. I just ordered the orthodics so when they come in I'll get some new shoes. I've gotten some advice to get shoes a 1/2 size larger than I usually wear. That plus the new orthodics should keep my toes from hurting. (I also got some new socks that are supposed to help too.)

I'm still wondering what I got myself into. When I voiced that to my daughter she said to me "No one said this was going to be easy." It's certainly not. But each time I finish a long run I am quite amazed at myself.  It's the motivation that will keep me training and by May 18 I hope to be ready to run 26.2.

Do you have any training advice for me?

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Friday, March 22, 2013

TLC for My Tootsies

Wow, I wish I had hair like Barbie... not! It would be one more thing to worry about as I train for this marathon. Last week I ran 6 miles on a treadmill at a hotel we were staying at. I had brought along a relatively new pair of shoes. I put in my orthodics (yes, I have old lady feet)but they didn't quite fit in the new shoes. (I'm sure I tried them in the pair before I bought them...)Anyway, I ended up taking out the insoles and running with just the orthodics.

Bad idea! My feet slid a little with each step on those orthodics. By the time I was done, I had two very sore toes that hit the top of the shoe,a huge blister on the bottom of one big toe and two small blisters on the heel of my other foot. Ouch!! To make matters worse we were in Las Vegas and to get anywhere we had to walk!

Luckily I had a pair of sandals along so my sore toes didn't bump the top. I put a bandaid on the blister and painfully went to see the sites. I couldn't wait to get home and try some Gathered From The Garden therapy. I had popped the blister(I guess that's not supposed to me a good idea but I couldn't walk on it otherwise.)and put a drop of Lavender Essential Oil on it. Then I got out the Flip Flop Foot Cream that Gathered From The Garden makes. I put some on my toes and feet every night along with a pair of socks. In three days I was feeling such relief!! It also helped the areas that were starting to callous and softened up my dry heels.

Foolish me--Gathered makes Flip Flop Cream in a travel size but I didn't think to take it along. It is now going to travel with me EVERYWHERE. And...I also have picked up some Body Glide to use on the spots that rub in my shoes but the best thing...I ordered new orthodics! Minser Chiropractic fitted me for full length orthodics made for runners. My feet are so excited!

I'm so hoping they come before Saturday. I'll be doing a 14 mile run that day. If they don't come, I'll use the Body Glide and keep the Flip Flop Foot Cream close by!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

An Unexpected Surprise

Jerry and I booked a trip to Las Vegas two weeks ago to escape this eternal MN winter. Come to find out,WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers' big conference) was taking place the same time we were scheduled to be there. Since I am currently just a hobbyist photog who really, really wants to be a professional photog when she grows up this was interesting news!

We stayed at the Excalibur which is just across the street from the MGM where the conference was taking place. Jerry was a good sport and walked with me over there to get a glimpse of the goings-on. Since we weren't registered we couldn't do more than walk around some of the public places but we got to see some photographs, lots of photographers and some photography vendor advertising. We saw just enough to be a tease.

Heading back to the Excalibur we stopped at the Luxor for lunch. We were just about to order some fast food when I saw the lights and backdrop set up in a corner of the Food Court. Upon taking a closer look, we saw that it was a photoshoot for one of the restaurant's advertising. A hamburger was being primped and prodded just like a real model! Trying not to be too obvious and obnoxious I snapped a couple of photos. An unexpected treat for me!

We finished ordering and ate our food. They were still hard at it when we decided to move on. It will be fun if I ever get to see that Burger in an ad somewhere!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

                                                           Palm branch roses

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Sunday, March 17, 2013


                        Happy St. Patrick's Day! I believe I am lucky to have readers like you!

“May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you, and all your heart might desire.” -Irish blessing

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thoughts on Marriage

One of the blogs I follow Inspired by Familia has a very well written post on marriage. Surprisingly, it is written by someone who has never married. However, she has been astutely observing her married friends and has some very, very good advice. It really hit home because I know of a young couple nearing divorce who could have used this advice. If they had taken it, I'm wondering if their marriage would have had a chance. Maybe you know someone who could use this advice.

Come to think of it, this is some good advice for my own marriage!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Make Your Own Chalkboard

I've been wanting to find a small chalkboard to use in my photography. I didn't really find one that would work for me so I decided to make my own. It's very easy, relatively inexpensive and not too messy.

 Here's what you'll need:

A can of Krylon Chalkboard Spray Paint.
An old picture with glass. (I found mine cheap at Goodwill. The frame and glass were perfect, the gray mat was faded.)

Take apart the picture so you have access to the glass. I put my sheet of glass into the lid of a paper box to spray. It worked very well to control the excess spray. I followed the directions on the can.

I did give my glass an extra coat of black just to be sure. Then it had to dry for 24 hours. (waiting is always the hard part!)

When it is dry, you need to "cure" it by rubbing over the chalkboard with chalk.

You wipe it off with a wet cloth and presto, change-o you've got yourself a custom made chalkboard!

I can't wait to use my chalkboard to take some fun pics!!!

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