My visit to the doctor started because I was told to have a specialist take a closer look at my thyroid. She had questions for me and I had questions for her. What if I chose to not do the procedures she was suggesting? Her response was that it could cause heart problems down the road and possibly strokes.
Knowing my dad's heart history puts everything in a different light. While I am still exploring my options with my thyroid care, I am continuing to do the things I have always done for my heart. I exercise every day except Monday.(gives my muscles a rest). I really watch what I eat and read food labels. My cholesterol is low and I think I have a handle on my stress level. I can only hope that I have inherited more of my mother's heart genes than my dad's!
Friday, Feb 5, is National Wear Red Day. Wear red and show your support for women's heart disease awareness. What are you doing to take care of your heart?
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