Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Gift List Anyone Can Afford

Christmas Eve is tomorrow and some of us are busy last minute shopping for the special people on our lists. Since most of us are looking for gifts that fit our budgets, here's a list of gift suggestions for "the large of heart and small of purse". (Sorry I don't know who came up with the list so I can't give credit...)
These gifts won't cost you a dime, but that doesn't mean they have no value. If you give one of these gifts, you will give the most priceless gift of all: yourself!

*The Gift of Listening. Psychologists tell us that one of the greatests things we can do for another is listen.

*The Gift of Signs of Affection. Take time to give your loved ones extra signs of affection.

*The Gift of a Note. Write notes to your loved ones. They can be as simple as "I love you" or as creative as a poem.

*The Gift of Laughter. Everyone loves to laugh. Give those you love this gift. Just cut out a cartoon, clip a joke, copy a riddle or save a clever article. Your gift will say "I love to laugh with you."

*The Gift of a Game. Offer to play your loved one's favorite game with him or her. Even if you lose, you'll be a winner.

*The Gift of Doing a Favor. This gift is made more valuable when it anticipates a request rather than when it responds to one.

*The Gift of a Compliment. It is great therapy for us all.

*The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition. Your gift of cheerfulness will be a precious gift for everyone--including yourself.

You could probably add more to the list but isn't this a good start? Some of these are so simple yet would really make someone's day. Hope you found the list worthwhile--I did. 

(Are you still shopping or are you done?)

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