Thursday, January 8, 2015

Closet Psychology

This isn't my closet but mine doesn't look much better.

Like many people I have been thinking about goals for 2015. One of them is to clean out my walk-in closet. It has kind of gotten away from me. I thought if something ever happens to me my husband and children would be horrified to have to go through the things in here!

So I was interested in reading an article about the Psychology of Your Closet in Living on the Suncoast magazine. They suggest taking control of your closet before it has a chance to control you. I think I need to do that now!

The author of the article, Sharon Stewart also suggests that this is a journey and I won't be able to do this overnight. (thank goodness!) I need to start by looking at my closet in detail and ask myself some questions about each garment. (gonna take awhile for sure)

*Does it still fit?
*Does it look current?
*Does it suit my current lifestyle?
*Is it in good condition?
*Will I wear it if I answered yes to the questions above?

After answering these questions I will have to decide into which of 4 categories I should place each item.

Is it a keeper?  Has it really earned a place in my closet?
Doe it need cleaning or altering?
Can I give it to a charity or pass it on to a family member?
Undecided? Keep it for a couple of weeks and then take action.

I'm a saver so I know this is going to take some real work. Because what if someday I want to wear it and I realize that I have purged it from my closet? Maybe this is where the psychology comes in...

Stay tuned for updates as I try to part with my treasures or more accurately...get rid of the junk that is taking up space!

How's your closet looking?
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