Monday, February 23, 2015

Favorites of 2014

It's taken me awhile but I finally picked some of my favorite photos/memories of 2014. Thought I'd share them with you. That year went by way too fast and 2015 is doing just the same!!!

Making ginormous bubbles with the grandkids last summer.

MN is the land of 10,000 lakes so we had to get out and have fun on them.

We celebrated my dad's 88th birthday. My mom celebrated her 82nd birthday a few months earlier.

My son, daughter-in-law and grandson Jack flew to MN to celebrate his 2nd birthday with us. We had so much fun planning and having a pool party for his birthday. All the little cousins had fun together.

My granddaughter Maggie is such a good sport when grandma brings out her camera! On this day we shot a tea party session.

We had a girls' weekend in Colorado. My sister, her daughter and I flew out to spend time with my daughter Rana and her husband Cody. This day we did some hiking in the foothills by Boulder.

A trip of a lifetime! We flew to Venice, Italy with my sister and her family. After spending some time in Venice we boarded a Cruise Ship and sailed to four Greek Isles. Santorini was definitely my favorite!

Finding pretty things to photograph (besides leaves and trees) in the fall can be kind of tricky. Using my macro lens it's fun to get close ups of fading beauty.

In December we welcomed little Oliver Jonathan to our family. We are so blessed to have 6 grandchildren and another on the way.

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