It is Spring Break here so Jerry and I took three of the grandkids to a waterpark overnight. Everyone had so much fun. I was thinking how fortunate we are to be able to take these kids somewhere safe and fun with lots of snacks and games. But it's also Lent,you know. Time for prayer, alms and fasting. Yeah, that wasn't happening.
Then I check my email and I find a newsletter all about girls in Kenya. Young girls that are victims of rape and violence--and I think of my own two pre-teen granddaughters. In the newsletter it told the story of one young girl in particular. She was raped on her way home from school, got pregnant and was sent to a city to be an indentured servant. While there she gave birth and she and her baby got sick. On the third day, both weak and wracked with infection, they were taken to the hospital and became residents of Mercy House.
Do you know who the most oppressed group of people are in the world?
All around the world, girls to want to receive an education, to live without the horror of violent sexual crimes committed against them at home, in their neighborhoods, as they walk to school. It's up to us, those who have so much, to help them out.
Mercy House is a shelter in Kenya for pregnant girls. From their website: The Mercy House exists to provide alternative options for pregnant girls
living in the streets of Kenya. The Mercy House will aid them in
education, nutrition, housing, prenatal care, Bible study, counseling
and job skills for sustainable living.
As a fundraiser they have bracelets that you can purchase for $10. We are invited to pray for the endangered girls in our world today with this simple idea:
It’s a bit of twine.
And a single heart.
It’s a simple reminder to pray.
It’s an easy way to share their story.
It’s a bracelet that’s supposed to fall off.
Get your bracelet here. They are $10 each, free shipping and 100% of the profit benefits endangered girls in Kenya.
How to pray for the oppressed girls in our world:
1. Pray for their salvation.
2. Pray for their safety.
3. Pray that the cycle of violence that goes hand-in-hand with extreme poverty would be broken
4. Pray for the end to corruption of governments that are unjust and oppress girls
5. Pray for the shattered, violated hearts of wounded girls around the globe
6. Pray that the strongholds of violence, oppression and hopelessness would be broken in the name of Jesus.
Here is the perfect service project for you and your kids, family, and groups.
This idea was inspired not only to
raise needed funds to help more girls in Kenya; it was also inspired as a
practical hands-on service project activity for families, kids groups
or Bible studies to do together.
If you'd like to do a service project
with your family, a church or children's group, you can order a kit of
25 for $10 (to cover expenses and shipping) and serve Mercy House by
putting the bracelets together. You can return them for us to sell or
you can help by selling them to friends and family for $10 each.
Prayer is the most powerful tool we possess to empower oppressed girls in our world. I am ordering my bracelet right now. I'm going to talk to my granddaughters and see if they would wear one too and pray for girls like them who have so little. It's such a small thing to do that could make such a big impact. Wouldn't you like to join us? God is calling us to help.