*If you toe nails are stained by that dark polish you've been wearing, gently scrub your nails with an old toothbrush and whitening toothpaste.
*To clean your white leather purse, use a small amount of non-gel toothpaste on an old toothbrush and carefully scrub until any discoloration disappears.
*To invigorate your scalp mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt into an ounce of shampoo. Gently massage the mixture into your scalp for a few minutes, then rinse.
*Did you know that lip balm could be used to moisturize cuticles? Try some natural lip balms, the kinds with shea butter and vitamin E, as these work best.
*Strawberries are a well-known remedy for whitening teeth. They contain malic acid, which is a natural stain remover. You can rub the strawberries directly on your teeth or mash them into a paste and brush them on. Leave the paste on your teeth for about five minutes then rinse well and smile. I also read that it's a good idea to eat strawberries after you drink or eat something that stains your teeth--like wine.
*Store your nailpolish in the refrigerator and it will last much longer than keeping it at room temperature.
*Run out of hair conditioner? Use some fabric softner to make your hair silky smooth.
*Before you toss that old tube of mascara, save the wand. Wash it off and use it to separate and de-clump your lashes.
*If you save the wand from volumizing mascara you can use it in a tube of cheaper mascara. It's the wand that makes the difference, not the mascara itself.
I haven't tried all of these tips. I'm not sure how you would really clean off a mascara wand so that you wouldn't be contaminating new mascara. Anyone have an idea how to do that? Have you read any interesting tips you'd like to share?

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