Monday, August 29, 2016

This Book Would Make a Great Gift

I just read the most delightful book—Life is Better at the Beach.  This is an inspirational book for living each day as if you are at the beach. Being that my husband and my favorite vacation spot is the beach this was a perfect read.
     The book is divided into fifteen “Rules” (basically very short chapters.) Each rule gives you something to do that is beach related. Rules such as “ Shoes are optional, Soak up the Sun, Look for seashells and Don’t miss the sunset to name a few.
     Each rule is accompanied by beautiful beach photos, a short reflection or two and a scripture verse. The reflections are very down to earth and tie in the beach theme beautifully. I read one a day so that I could think about the “Rule” and how to apply it to my daily life.
     This would make a great gift for anyone who enjoys time at the beach or for anyone who wishes they could spend time there!
     I was given this book to review from the Thomas Nelson Book Company but the opinion is mine.
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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Don't Want to Say Good-bye


      I can't believe August is coming to an end! I want a few more days to play in the sun and eat ice cream and watermelon.
     If you're like me and you thought that watermelon was nothing more than a watery, sugary treat, think again.  Watermelon is both delicious and nutritious.  Fat-free and low in calories (unlike that ice cream!), watermelon supplies good amounts of Vitamins A, B6 and C.  The red varieties also have a significant amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that research suggests reduces the risks for some cancers.  Watermelon actually has more lycopene than tomatoes.
Watermelon is a good source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure -- making it the perfect snack.  Eating watermelon is a safe alternative to taking energy drinks prior to exercise. It also hydrates you due to its high water content as opposed to caffeine filled energy drinks that dehydrate you. There are only 96 calories in two cups of sweet watermelon, and its high liquid content makes you feel full.
To find the ripest watermelon look for one that is heavy for its size, free from cuts or bruises and has a yellow spot where it sat on the ground ripening. Store watermelons at room temperature for up to a week.  Cut watermelon should be wrapped in cellophane and kept in the refrigerator.  Even though you don’t eat the rind you should wash your melon before cutting.   (Source:  National Watermelon Promotion Board)
For an exotic treat, put some watermelon chunks in the blender, puree and put into ice cube trays and freeze.  Add to your favorite lemonade or try this delicious recipe:

                Berry Watermelon Lemonade

6 cups fresh watermelon cubes (seeds removed)
1/4 cup raspberries or strawberries
1 cup of water
1/3 cup of sugar (super fine dissolves faster)
1/2 cup of lemon juice

Place watermelon, berries and water in blender:  puree until smooth. To remove berry seeds put liquid through mesh strainer.  Stir in lemon juice and sugar until dissolved.  Chill in refrigerator for about an hour.
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Monday, August 22, 2016

What Do You Remember?

The following quizzes, and the subsequent paragraph, are attributed to the late Charles Schulz, creator of the comic strip, Peanuts. I'm passing along his thoughts because I think it's important that we realize what is really important in life.

Quiz 1
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's World Series winners.

Quiz 2
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.

"The applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who cared."

- Charles Schulz

Who will remember you? What will they remember you for?
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Friday, August 19, 2016

Beauty Boosters You Can Start Today

You have probably thought about goals for nearly every facet of your existence -- but have you worked up a plan to boost your health and beauty regimens? This list of beauty boosters will help you get on the fast track to bliss both inside and out.
Invest in a quality hairbrush
Did you know that a cheap hairbrush could literally tear your hair out? Even the most healthy scalp loses a minimum of thirty hairs a day, so ensure that your hair will stay where it belongs -- on your head -- with a quality brush designed for your hair type.  Boar and nylon are the most commonly used bristles in hairbrushes. Natural boar bristles are good for long, normal, fine and damaged hair; while the nylon variety tend to be better for short, coarse or heavily-damaged hair. Look for brushes with widely-spaced rows of bristles, as they glide through the hair more easily. 
Moisturize your skin every day
Your skin, the largest organ of your entire body, needs special care and attention. Especially in the winter months, skin loses moisture and can easily become dry and flaky. 
Get enough sleep
Not getting the right quantity -- or quality -- of ZZZs can affect your appearance. Without enough rest, your cells don't have a chance to repair themselves, which will make your skin look dull and dry, and age more quickly than it otherwise would. 
Scrub your way to soft feet
Taking time out for salon pedicures is not always in the budget, time or money wise, so agree to take matters into your own hands... or, in this case, your own feet.  Purchase a foot file (it is a bit like a giant nail file) or a pumice stone and use it to scrub any areas of your feet with dry or rough skin once or twice a week. Use the file or stone after a bath or shower -- or in the shower when your feet are wet -- because warm water softens the skin.
Make time for you, because you're worth it
Never forget that the most important person in your world is little ol' you. Make time to rest, relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Promise that once a month you'll plan a special treat, all for you. It might be dinner with a friend, a massage, a good book -- what ever works for you.  Remember that "me time" is the fuel that keeps you going in this hectic world. You have a lot  to do and lots  to be thankful for. When you make yourself a priority in your own life, you and everyone around you will reap the benefits. 

If you don't take care of yourself, who will?
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Friday, August 12, 2016

A Thought for Friday


          I saw this quote and wanted to share it with you.

"I’ve learned that happiness comes in different forms. It can be found in the blackest thunderclouds or when the earth is withering from heat. It is also in the warm rays of the sun in the midst of pouring rain. It is in the first green leaf of spring peeping out of the cracked bud of a poplar tree. It is in the little white petal working itself out on a branch of an apple tree. It is in the darkness of the night sky with thousands of twinkling stars. It is in the tender look of a loved one. It looks out through shining eyes in family photographs."

it is everywhere
find happiness right where you stand

Lidia Evgenevna Shmakova
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Monday, August 8, 2016

Let Your Hands Do the Talking

Do your hands reveal your age, disguise your age or do they add years to your look?
What makes hands look older than their years?  They actually get more use and abuse and less pampering than your face.  Here are some solutions to make your hands look timeless and beautiful.

Sunspots—UV damages pigment producing cells causing brown spots to form.  Slather on that sunscreen!!

Veins—To minimize the color contrast between your skin and the dark veins try using a concealer or use a self tanner. Jewelry and manicures help give you a younger look too. Keep nails short (1/8 inch long). Shorter nails soften the appearance of veins.

Dryness—As we age our skin produces less lubricating oil and loses its ability to hold moisture. Apply lotion throughout the day.  Rub it on immediately after washing your hands to seal in moisture.  Before using household cleaners or doing dishes apply lotion or a hand cream and pull on cotton-lined gloves.

( I also always wear gloves when I am doing any gardening work.)

Do you have any tips for keeping your hands looking their best?

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Healthy Lips

Your lips are unlike the rest of your skin, which has the ability to hydrate and regulate moisture. Your lips are at the front and center of your face so when they become dry or cracked it’s very noticeable. Not only do they look bad they feel bad too. So what can you do to keep your lips kissy soft?
      Lip products that are petroleum-based coat your lips, forming a short-term barrier that can provide temporary protection from the elements but quickly wear off (or are often licked off) and must be constantly re-applied. Because they offer no lasting benefits, they are not the best choice for long-term or ongoing lip care.
Choose Only the Best Ingredients For Your Lips
Base Oils. Products made primarily with ingredients like jojoba, virgin coconut, safflower, extra virgin olive, sunflower, hemp, avocado, castor and shea or cocoa butter –preferably certified organic. Oils like olive and coconut that most closely resemble your skin’s natural sebum and are rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants work best.
Herbal Infusions or Extracts. Products that include herbal ingredients like calendula, chamomile and comfrey, provide added protective benefits.
Essential Oils. Look for products that are made with essential oils versus “fragrance” and flavor oils. Too much flavor  can lead to frequent and excessive lip licking –one of the main causes of dry chapped lips. 

Some lip balms are specifically designed to protect lips from becoming chapped and wind-burned. Other lip balms, such as those containing bees’ wax, are more suitable for moisturizing.

If you’re spending time outdoors, choose a lip balm with sunscreen. Look for an SPF 15 formula.

Remember, when you lick your lips, eat, or drink while wearing lip products, or kiss someone who is wearing a lip product, you ingest some of the product’s ingredients. So if you want healthy happy lips avoid products made with petroleum or synthetic chemicals and stick to products made with only the best natural and organic ingredients. 

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