Friday, August 2, 2019

A Conscious Aging-Plan

Ah, yes, the sands of time keep falling through that hour-glass! Can you tell I just had another birthday? Time to reflect on the aging process and look ahead to another year.

Tracy Gaudet, M.D. is the author of several books, including Body, Soul and Baby and Consciously Female. She has put together a "Conscious-Aging Plan". Her plan includes these 5 steps:

1. Know your preconceptions. What's your image of an older woman? 10 years older than you? 20 years older? 30 years? What are your greatest fears about your own aging. Take time to explore these...I think my greatest fear is not being able to take care of myself.

2. Do a reality check. Think about the older people that you know and love to be around. What is it about them that you admire? Do you know anyone in their 80's or 90's that is still full of vitality, has a sharp mind and is filled with joy?

3.Visualize your future. Imagine yourself at age 90 vital and glowing--someone that others would like to be around. What does it feel like? What do you look like? How do you feel? Imagine yourself to be the oldest person around that young people gravitate to. Give yourself permission to think of this possibility as reality!

4. Make a list. Think about how many years are between you and 90. How much do you have to ask of your body? What changes could you make in your life that would support your body as it ages? Make a list of these changes.

5. Start now. Look at your list and choose one thing you'd like to work on. Think of it as a baby step that will start you in this direction and go for it! I think I need to work at keeping my mind sharp--more crossword puzzles or maybe learning a new craft. My memory doesn't seem as sharp as it used to be.

I don't love the fact that my body is aging but I am ok with it. I feel I am a much more interesting and smarter person now than when I was younger. I've had a lot of life experiences to draw from and I love the fact that I have become a grandmother! I guess embracing aging will make the years ahead possibly my healthiest, most vital and joyous yet. 

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