Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Habits for Perfect Skin Recommended by Dermatologists

My niece just took her boards to become a Pediatric Dermatologist. I think she'd agree with all of these habits.
*Shake your booty. Twenty to 30 minutes of any aerobic exercise will give you a glow. Exercise increases blood flow, which brings more nutrients to the skin. Shower as soon as possible after working out.
*Night Serums - Get some rejuvenating night serums. Night serums give your face nutrients making it glow in the morning; and the best thing is the serum works while you sleep so no hassle. 
*Check your birthday suit for spots. Any sudden or suspicious-looking bump, mole, or other growth is reason to see a dermatologist. The American Cancer Society recommends that between the ages of 20 and 40, people have a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every three to four years. Once you hit your 40s, begin having a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every year. You should also be doing monthly self-exams to keep an eye out for changes and growths. (For step-by-step instructions on how to do a head-to-toe self-exam  visit www.cancer.org.)
*Eat healthy. Antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E) -- which help reduce sun damage and fight certain cancers, including skin cancer -- are essential to your health.
*Don't wear your makeup to bed. We all know it, but we sometimes do it anyway. Layers of foundation, powder, and blusher left on overnight can clog  pores.  Take it all off before bed with a mild non-soap cleanser. 
*Get your shut-eye. Most of us don't get the 8-9 hours we need to avoid sleep deprivation   Budget in sleep time, including a short afternoon nap whenever you can manage it. The downside: Sleeping in the same position for years on end can lead to wrinkles. Look for special pillows that help prevent sleep creases on your face. (I have to do this...)
*Adopt "water, water, every day" as your mantra. Yes, drinking water does keep you hydrated, which helps skin look and feel better.  Get in the standard 6 to 8 eight-ounce glasses throughout the day -- more if you're a heavy exerciser. 

Fairly simple things that can become good habits for your skin!

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017


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