Friday, December 29, 2017

Thoughts for a New Year, New You

Power thinking   Thoughts are powerful things. You've heard of "power dressing"but what about "power thinking"? Every woman should know that whoever you are, you are perfect before you put on a stitch of clothing. Whatever your shape, color or size, you are beautiful inside and out.
If your doctor tells you you're healthy, that's all you need to know. Anyone or anything that tells you that you are not beautiful is wrong. When you truly like yourself, you won't worry about any flaws. 
Celebrate   We celebrate birthdays, holidays,etc. but have you ever had a private celebration of who you are? Your accomplishments, your dreams and your hard work are nothing to sneeze at. Admire the parts of your body you do like with the same energy that you "dis" the parts you don't like. 
For the parts you don't like just remember where they came from -- your female ancestors. Imagine what they did with those features -- traveled to foreign lands, worked on assembly lines, cleaned other women's houses -- to make you who you are. So, while you're celebrating yourself, celebrate your grandmother a little, too. 
Treat yourself   If it feels good, do it. Go ahead and spoil yourself! Get a massage, manicure or pedicure. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Have a Netflix weekend. Learn to play an instrument. Use your imagination.
Just never forget these words, “This is for me.”
From an article by Janet Behmer and Shirley Pierce

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Friday, December 8, 2017

7 Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

The temperature drops outside and sometimes that means our body temperature rises due to common illnesses. We have a few easy tips to help you prevent colds and flus this winter season.
  1. Wash your hands often with warm soapy water. We know this is the most cliché tip, but it’s also one of the most important. Stop the spread of germs by washing your hands thoroughly.
  2. Keep your hands away from your face if possible. Germs most com- monly enter through our eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Get plenty of sleep! Sleep deprivation weakens your immune system and increases your chances of catching a bug or virus.
  4. Drink water. Water has so many health benefits and keeping yourself hydrated helps keep your body healthy!
  5. Get plenty of Vitamin C & D! These two vitamins are the strongest for boosting your immune system and fighting off illnesses.
  6. Exercise. Yes it does get difficult to exercise when the sun sets at 5pm but getting your body moving boosts your immune function!
  7. Get a Chiropractic Adjustment! Fun fact about chiropractic: it can help boost your immune system! By keeping the nervous system free of interference (misalignments) your body can work at maximum capacity and fight off colds and flus effectively. 

    (Taken from the Minser Chiropractic newsletter)
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Friday, December 1, 2017

Gifts for the Elderly

 My mother-in-law is in a nursing home and at this time of year it gets us thinking about what to give her for Christmas. She doesn't have much space in her room for a lot of extra stuff. We decided to take some photos of her and make a Christmas card that she can send to friends and relatives. (We ran address labels and also paid for postage, stamping and mailing the cards for her.) I'm betting she'll be happy to get cards in the mail in return.
     If you have some friends or family that are in skilled care facilities you might need some other gift ideas. The holidays are usually a happy time of the year, but for seniors without friends or family nearby, it can be lonely.
     During holidays instead of bringing a plant or flowers, which provide visual pleasure but cannot occupy an elder’s time, bring other gifts which they can enjoy after you have left.
  • Already stamped post cards, envelopes and paper
  • Soft Stuffed Animal with a Scent such as Lavender
  • Lip Balm, Lotion, Powder
  • Pillow Spray 
  • Dream Pillows
  • Magnifying glass 
  • Puzzles, drawing pad and pens
  • Pictures drawn from children (they love bragging rights)
  • Family Photos
  • A small hand held TV or DVD player with head phones. So they can watch what they would like. 
  • Reader's Digest and other large print books. 
  • Diabetic:  Special Socks /Diabetic candies
  • Slippers
  • Pajama's
  • Bath Robe
  • Pillows/Quilts
  • Craft Items they can make that does not require keen eyesight--latch hook is a good one.
  • Dementia:  Textured items (i.e., sandpaper, velvet, fuzzy fur, gingham, burlap) to touch and manipulate. Often those with dementia find comfort in repetitive motions such as rubbing cloth or petting an animal. 
Another idea for an older loved one who has difficulty communicating is touch/aroma therapy. Bring a nicely scented lotion and ask if you could put the lotion on your loved one’s hands, therefore providing touch as well as a pleasant aroma to associate with your visit.  

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Do’s and Don’ts for After Your Shower

Do apply moisturizer/lotion.
Applying moisturizer after taking a shower will help to keep the moisture in and the dryness out.
Do those eyebrows.
After showering is a great time to tweeze your eyebrows. It makes for reduced pain and less resistance. Pluck in the direction of hair growth for best results.
Don’t blow dry.
Let your hair air dry until slightly damp. Blow drying right out of the shower can lead to frizzies.
Don’t use mascara.
Putting on your mascara in a steamy bathroom can lead to smudging.
For using the blow dryer and/or mascara clear the bathroom by opening a window or turning on a fan first.
Do push back your cuticles.
Your cuticles are at their softest so they’re unlikely to tear. Just gently nudge them with your towel.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Do’s and Don’ts for After Your Shower

Do apply moisturizer/lotion.
Applying moisturizer after taking a shower will help to keep the moisture in and the dryness out.
Do those eyebrows.
After showering is a great time to tweeze your eyebrows. It makes for reduced pain and less resistance. Pluck in the direction of hair growth for best results.
Don’t blow dry.
Let your hair air dry until slightly damp. Blow drying right out of the shower can lead to frizzies.
Don’t use mascara.
Putting on your mascara in a steamy bathroom can lead to smudging.
For using the blow dryer and/or mascara clear the bathroom by opening a window or turning on a fan first.
Do push back your cuticles.
Your cuticles are at their softest so they’re unlikely to tear. Just gently nudge them with your towel.
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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Keep Those Tootsies Happy

As I am getting ready to do a 5K race I am realizing how important it is to take care of our feet. Here are some tips to keep your tootsies happy and healthy.
1. Keep calluses and other rough spots under control with regular maintenance. Use a pumice stone as needed. If allowed to remain unchecked, hard, thickened areas can become painful, dry, cracked, or infected, making walking difficult.
2. Give your feet a treat with a foot bath. Add a cup of marbles to the water and roll your feet around on top of them to stimulate nerve endings. Pick up marbles with your toes, flex and contract feet and toes, and then release the marbles to stretch arches and muscles. 
3. Ask for a foot massage. Solicit the help of a friend or significant other. A vigorous, lower-leg and foot massage just can’t be beat for deep relaxation.  
4. Moisturize! The skin on the soles of your feet, like your palms, contains no oil glands to lubricate and soften, so moisturizing is up to you. Slather on a thick coat of cream each night before bed or before working out, put on socks and let the conditioning ingredients pamper your piggies!  
5. Measure your feet. Don’t assume you will wear the same size shoe from year to year. The shape of your feet changes with age, reflecting the cumulative affects of pregnancy and various types of daily impact. In fact, by age 45 your feet may be a whole size larger than they were in your early 20s. Feet tend to widen and lengthen with age. Make sure you have your feet measured while standing–not sitting–when you buy shoes.
6. Get new shoes. Worn-out shoes have lost their support mechanisms, which can lead to foot, leg, and back fatigue and problems. If you exercise frequently or your job demands that you be on your feet all day, it is important that you replace your shoes at least every 6 months. (Runners should replace their shoes more often.)
Soothe aches, remove odors, and soften rough skin with this basic foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry.
Fun Additions to Your Soak
Lime slices and mint leaves             Sprigs of rosemary
Rose petals or lavender                    Marbles

***Adapted from How to Feel Fabulous Today! by Stephanie Tourles (Storey Books, 2001).

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Habits for Perfect Skin Recommended by Dermatologists

My niece just took her boards to become a Pediatric Dermatologist. I think she'd agree with all of these habits.
*Shake your booty. Twenty to 30 minutes of any aerobic exercise will give you a glow. Exercise increases blood flow, which brings more nutrients to the skin. Shower as soon as possible after working out.
*Night Serums - Get some rejuvenating night serums. Night serums give your face nutrients making it glow in the morning; and the best thing is the serum works while you sleep so no hassle. 
*Check your birthday suit for spots. Any sudden or suspicious-looking bump, mole, or other growth is reason to see a dermatologist. The American Cancer Society recommends that between the ages of 20 and 40, people have a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every three to four years. Once you hit your 40s, begin having a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every year. You should also be doing monthly self-exams to keep an eye out for changes and growths. (For step-by-step instructions on how to do a head-to-toe self-exam  visit
*Eat healthy. Antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E) -- which help reduce sun damage and fight certain cancers, including skin cancer -- are essential to your health.
*Don't wear your makeup to bed. We all know it, but we sometimes do it anyway. Layers of foundation, powder, and blusher left on overnight can clog  pores.  Take it all off before bed with a mild non-soap cleanser. 
*Get your shut-eye. Most of us don't get the 8-9 hours we need to avoid sleep deprivation   Budget in sleep time, including a short afternoon nap whenever you can manage it. The downside: Sleeping in the same position for years on end can lead to wrinkles. Look for special pillows that help prevent sleep creases on your face. (I have to do this...)
*Adopt "water, water, every day" as your mantra. Yes, drinking water does keep you hydrated, which helps skin look and feel better.  Get in the standard 6 to 8 eight-ounce glasses throughout the day -- more if you're a heavy exerciser. 

Fairly simple things that can become good habits for your skin!

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017

Skin Care Tips for Teens

    It's never too early to start thinking about the importance of a good skin care routine.
     One of the most important things to remember about teen skin care is that what you put into your body is more important than anything you put on your face. The appearance and condition of your skin is also influenced by genetics, hormones, your lifestyle and your skin care routine. It's a good idea to start with the basics and experiment until you find the skin care products that suit you and your skin best.
It's rare for teens to have dry skin, so usually the best cleansers are the oil-free cleansers.  Choose one that doesn't dry your skin out.  Lather  up, concentrating on the oily T-zone area, then rinse away with warm water.
If you have normal or oily skin, use a toner.  Facial wipes are an easy and quick way to clean your skin in a pinch.
Even oily skins need moisture, but in hot, humid weather you may wish to skip moisturizing in the morning and use an oil-free sunscreen instead. In the evening, choose a light moisturizing lotion, particularly in areas that tend to dry out, like your cheeks.  
If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer with a higher oil content at night— Products used on the face should generally be unscented.
Pore-cleansing, exfoliating masks are a great skin care product for teens as they clean and purify open pores and rid the skin of dead skin cells. 
 My granddaughters are "tweens" and not to young to learn about good skin care. These are tips I will be sure to share with them!

 Taken from an article at

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

10 Ways to Brighten Your Day

 It was a very dreary day today with little sun. Got me thinking about how much I depend sunshine to boost my spirits. Here are some other ways to do that...I'll keep these in mind especially for the next dreary day.

1. Smile. (at everyone and just because- if no one else is around!)
2. Start your day with a workout or some kind of exercise or stretches. (This works for me!)
3. Enjoy time with your family.
4. Call a friend. (It's really better than email or a text.)
5. Get outside! Swing in your hammock, garden, bike, go for a walk.
6. Help someone in need. (turn on the news and you will see plenty of others that could use some help! Prayers help those in need too.)
7. Play like you did when you were a child. When was the last time you played hopscotch, hula-hoop, or scooped up sand in the sandbox? (I love to blow bubbles with my grandkids.)
8. Laugh out loud. Tell a good joke. Read the comics.
9. Praise someone. It will make two people happy!
10. Wear bright colors--reflect the glorious colors of nature in summer.

I'm sure you can add to the list. Let us know what other ways we can brighten our day. I could have added "read a blog"...
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Friday, July 14, 2017

Lipstick Tips and Tricks

*Lipstick done? You might notice there's still a bit of lipstick down in the tube. Scrape out the last bits with a cotton swap or orange stick & mix it with Vaseline or lip gloss. Use a lip brush to apply. 

*Use liner on your lips as a base. Lipstick will last longer if you fill in your lips with the liner first. If you're using light lipstick, try a nude liner. Then slick your lipstick on top.

*Keep lipstick off your teeth with this trick. After applying lipstick, take your index finger and pop it in your mouth, then pull it out. The excess lipstick will come off on your finger rather than your teeth.

*Lipstick can act as a blush. But never use blush as a lipstick. 

*The older you are, the 'creamier' your lips should look. Women over 50 should avoid matte or a gloss and stick with a creamy lipstick. (I’m not sure about this one—I like wearing lip gloss sometimes!)

*Don't throw out a bad color lipstick. Beauty editors know you can create a great lip color by blending lipsticks you don't like. You can also color in lips with a darker liner before applying a lipstick that's too bright. 

*For 'plump' lips, apply liner just outside your natural lip line.  Dab a bit of gloss in the middle of your bottom lip. 

*Heal -- don't throw out -- a broken lipstick. If your lipstick breaks off, simply take off the broken portion with a tissue, then slowly wave a lit match under the broken piece of lipstick. When it's melted a bit, put it back on the base, swivel it down and put it in the fridge -- uncovered -- for 30 minutes. 

*Avoid orange or brown shades, including corals. They tend to make teeth appear yellow. 

*Keep lipstick off glass. Discreetly lick the lip of the glass before touching your lips to it. It works! 

Taken from Julyne Derrick’s article at:
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Friday, June 30, 2017

DIY Pedicure

Sandal weather is here!  Are your tootsies looking their best?Here are some tips to give yourself a pedicure at home.  It feels so good and your feet will look great!
*Take a bowl or dishpan and fill it with warm to hot water. Give yourself the hottest water your feet can take for optimum softening of the tough heel skin, and to promote relaxation. 
*While feet are wet, use a foot scrub to soften the calluses built up during everyday exercise and ordinary tasks. Be gentle. If the tough skin on your feet has been building up over a few years, realize that it may take a few weekly pampering pedicures to bring your feet back to softness. If feet are really rough, a pumice stone will also help. 
*Rinse foot scrub off feet. Feet can soften in the footbath for a total of about five minutes, or until water is too cool for enjoyment. Gently dry off feet with a towel. 
*While skin and nails are soft, take a few minutes to gently push back toe nail cuticles with an angled cuticle stick. Use big toe nail clippers to cut toe nails straight across. Don’t clip them too short for this can cause problems with ingrown toe nails as the cut nails grow back. 
*Now for the foot massage. If you are giving yourself a pedicure, don't skip this step. Massaging feet increases blood circulation, relaxes muscles and relieves aches and pains. Any lotion or cream will do but using a peppermint oil foot cream brings added benefits: the peppermint also promotes blood circulation in the foot, and overpowers lingering foot odor.  
*When polishing toe nails start with a clear base coat. This will help to prevent  yellowing on the toenails resulting from dark polish painted directly on the nail. Two coats of color will help the nails stay attractive for up to two weeks. Finish with a protective top coat to keep your pedicure looking great.  If you are really creative, you could add some nail art before your last top coat!

...and then I think you need to go shopping for some new sandals to show off your pretty feet!

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

It's that time of year again! Baseball, hotdogs and apple pie!
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Friday, June 9, 2017

Safe Tanning

One way to be safe is to avoid tanning and use a self-tanner. After seeing a co-worker with streaks down her legs, I thought I’d offer some tips for getting the perfect “tan”.

**Take a quick shower or bath (don't soak) and exfoliate your skin, either with a washcloth or body scrub. Don't over scrub, but do pay extra attention to your knees, ankles, feet, elbows, and neck. This will help achieve a uniform appearance since self-tanners grab on to dry surface skin cells. Your tan will look more even and will last longer. Now is the time to shave your legs if you have to, because you shouldn’t shave or wax your legs for a few days after the application of a self-tanner. 

** Your skin must be completely dry to get the best results. Do not apply self-tanner in a steamy, hot bathroom or on a humid, hot day. The heat and moisture in the bathroom can cause you to start to sweat and the self tanner can melt and drip which will cause streaks. Also,wait until your body has cooled down after your shower. Hot skin will have the same affect.

**Apply a thin layer of lightweight moisturizer over the areas where you will be applying self-tanner. This will help the self-tanner glide on without clinging to dry patches.

**To avoid streaks on your legs when using a self-tanner , rub on tanner in a horizontal motion, rather than a vertical one.

**Wait AT LEAST 15 minutes before getting dressed. Remember that self-tanner can stain clothes. Color will show up after approximately 2 hours, not immediately

**For a realistic-looking tan, skip body parts that wouldn’t tan in the sun, like your inner arms.

**Dilute by half on the areas prone to dark spots. Your knees, ankles and elbows are usually first to show if you don’t apply correctly. Mix half self tanner and half moisturizer for a more natural look.

**Never apply body self-tanner, tanning lotion or body bronzer to your face. Buy a special facial self-tanner.  After tanning your face, take a wet cotton swab to eyebrows and rub out any tanner residue. Also, rub a moistened cotton ball across your hairline where tanners tend to build up during application. This will ensure a no-tell perfectly tanned face. Never wear foundation, face powder, eyeshadows or lipstick when applying self-tanner.

**To maintain your new tan and to make it last longer reapply the tanning product every week or every three to four days.

** To keep self-tanning color from staining nails, cuticles and palms, coat your hands with petroleum jelly.

WHEW, that’s a lot of information. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get a tan that looks like you just stepped off the plane from Hawaii!  It’s guaranteed to be better for you skin than sun-bathing or using a tanning booth.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Five Great Vacation Tips


        Hubby and I are planning a summer vacation. I'm hoping that you will be able to get away too. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your time away.

1).  Pack less than you’ll need.  Stick to things that look great on you in two or three colors.  Don’t forget to pack things you can’t do without.

2)    In life, the journey is as important as the destination. Don't schedule every minute: allow for the unexpected. Unplanned detours often end up being even more enjoyable than planned stops!

3)    Take lots of photos. It might seem like an annoyance at the time, but when you get home you and those you love will be glad you did. Make sure to pass the camera around so everyone gets a chance to document, and that way you're sure to "be in the moment."

4)    Play travel games. It doesn't matter if you don't have kids, remember when you were one? You're never too old to play them, and it helps the time zoom by whether you're driving or flying. Our favorite is "20 Questions."

5)    Go online and read the local newspapers for the areas you'll be traveling to. It's a great way to absorb the local color and learn about local events. has listings of 10,000 newspapers from around the world.

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