As I am getting ready to do a 5K race I am realizing how important it is to take care of our feet. Here are some tips to keep your tootsies happy and healthy.
1. Keep calluses and other rough spots under control with regular maintenance. Use a pumice stone as needed. If allowed to remain unchecked, hard, thickened areas can become painful, dry, cracked, or infected, making walking difficult.
2. Give your feet a treat with a foot bath. Add a cup of marbles to the water and roll your feet around on top of them to stimulate nerve endings. Pick up marbles with your toes, flex and contract feet and toes, and then release the marbles to stretch arches and muscles.
3. Ask for a foot massage. Solicit the help of a friend or significant other. A vigorous, lower-leg and foot massage just can’t be beat for deep relaxation.
4. Moisturize! The skin on the soles of your feet, like your palms, contains no oil glands to lubricate and soften, so moisturizing is up to you. Slather on a thick coat of cream each night before bed or before working out, put on socks and let the conditioning ingredients pamper your piggies!
5. Measure your feet. Don’t assume you will wear the same size shoe from year to year. The shape of your feet changes with age, reflecting the cumulative affects of pregnancy and various types of daily impact. In fact, by age 45 your feet may be a whole size larger than they were in your early 20s. Feet tend to widen and lengthen with age. Make sure you have your feet measured while standing–not sitting–when you buy shoes.
6. Get new shoes. Worn-out shoes have lost their support mechanisms, which can lead to foot, leg, and back fatigue and problems. If you exercise frequently or your job demands that you be on your feet all day, it is important that you replace your shoes at least every 6 months. (Runners should replace their shoes more often.)
Soothe aches, remove odors, and soften rough skin with this basic foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry.
Fun Additions to Your Soak
Lime slices and mint leaves Sprigs of rosemary
Rose petals or lavender Marbles
***Adapted from How to Feel Fabulous Today! by Stephanie Tourles (Storey Books, 2001).