I am Brave and Beautiful is a beauty movement that is sweeping the globe. Colbie Caillat started it with her recent song and video called TRY. Megan of Brassy Apple wanted to push this movement along and invited women from all over to share what they looked like without make up and I joined in!! Colbie’s song says, "Take your make up off. Let your hair down… Look into the mirror at yourself, Do you like you? Cause I like you… "
Megan and her friend Cobi of Peacefrom6pieces have been the team behind this whole project. Their worldwide vision included creating their own video inspired by the song TRY. The talent of Robbins Creative made it possible for them to pull it off. You have to click play and see the beauty and bravery displayed.
I, along with 101+ other blogging women
from different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, ages, shapes and
sizes have decided to be Brave and Beautiful! You can join in this
movement too by sharing what you look like without makeup on. You don’t
need a blog either! Just tag your photo with #IamBraveAndBeautiful on Instgram and search the hashtag to see who else has joined in. ALSO, if you tag it with a second hashtag – #ColbieTRY we just might be able to get Colbie Caillat’s attention since she was the inspiration behind it all!
Tell your friends, your girlfriends, your sisters, your mom, your
daughter(s)….When we share goodness it comes back to us in ways that we
might not expect.
Are you brave and beautiful? I am, here I go!
My photography talent is NOT selfies!
This really took a lot of self-talk to post these. I grew up with a mom that wore little make-up, my high school best friend 's mother didn't wear make-up and my college roommate never wore make-up. I had no role models! I did venture into a department store once to have a staff person there teach me some tricks. I ended up with way too much make-up on and leaving with a bunch of make-up I wouldn't use.
So the make-up I wear is all self-taught and self-bought. I used to look at other women with beautiful make-up and long to look like that. Now that I'm older (☺) I am more satisfied with my own make-up application but there are still times when I'm envious.
I know that deep down, I am beautiful inside and out. I know that my Heavenly Father loves who I am and what I am striving
to become (even at this late stage in my life).
Are you brave and beautiful? (If you'd like you could also post your photos in the comment section here.)