Monday, October 2, 2017

Do’s and Don’ts for After Your Shower

Do apply moisturizer/lotion.
Applying moisturizer after taking a shower will help to keep the moisture in and the dryness out.
Do those eyebrows.
After showering is a great time to tweeze your eyebrows. It makes for reduced pain and less resistance. Pluck in the direction of hair growth for best results.
Don’t blow dry.
Let your hair air dry until slightly damp. Blow drying right out of the shower can lead to frizzies.
Don’t use mascara.
Putting on your mascara in a steamy bathroom can lead to smudging.
For using the blow dryer and/or mascara clear the bathroom by opening a window or turning on a fan first.
Do push back your cuticles.
Your cuticles are at their softest so they’re unlikely to tear. Just gently nudge them with your towel.

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