The only thing more fun than eating freshly fallen snow...a snowball fight! While the grandkids were outside having fun in the foot of snow that fell this weekend, grandma Carol was working on having fun with snow inside. Sometimes it just gets too cold here in MN to play outside very long so I decided to make "snowballs" for an "indoor snowball fight". A little time consuming but pretty easy.
To start you need a pom pom maker (got mine at Michael's using a coupon), white yarn, thin string and a scissors.
You start by wrapping the yarn around the pom pom maker.
You keep winding until the pom pom maker is covered.
Then you take a scissors and cut right down the middle. The pom pom maker has a ridge that helps guide your scissors.(Sorry about the blurry picture. It's hard to take a picture with just one hand.)
Take your string and wrap it around the yarn you have cut. Pull it tight (you can feel the cut yarn pull together). I wrapped it around twice and tied a few knots just to be sure it stayed tight.
Open up the pom pom maker and remove your "snowball".
I made 12 of them to fill a cute red container that I found at the Dollar Store. Then I used my Silhouette to cut out the letters to spell "Indoor Snowball Fight".
Here is the finished product. I might just keep this under wraps for awhile. I'm thinking this might be good for a day when the grandkids are experiencing a little cabin fever. (Maybe grandma and grandpa will have to try it out first!) Speaking of cabin you have any good ideas to keep kids occupied on those cold winter days?