Monday, August 8, 2016

Let Your Hands Do the Talking

Do your hands reveal your age, disguise your age or do they add years to your look?
What makes hands look older than their years?  They actually get more use and abuse and less pampering than your face.  Here are some solutions to make your hands look timeless and beautiful.

Sunspots—UV damages pigment producing cells causing brown spots to form.  Slather on that sunscreen!!

Veins—To minimize the color contrast between your skin and the dark veins try using a concealer or use a self tanner. Jewelry and manicures help give you a younger look too. Keep nails short (1/8 inch long). Shorter nails soften the appearance of veins.

Dryness—As we age our skin produces less lubricating oil and loses its ability to hold moisture. Apply lotion throughout the day.  Rub it on immediately after washing your hands to seal in moisture.  Before using household cleaners or doing dishes apply lotion or a hand cream and pull on cotton-lined gloves.

( I also always wear gloves when I am doing any gardening work.)

Do you have any tips for keeping your hands looking their best?

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