Monday, September 19, 2016

Tips for More Beauty Sleep

Sleep hours are a potent time for your body to repair itself, skin included. Here are tips for adding more beauty to your sleep:
 Sleep flat on your back: Smashing your face into a pillow creates fold lines that eventually become permanent if they're repeated every night. Spending time on your back also helps counter the effects of gravity that accumulate during the day. In a recent study of  women and men, Japanese researchers found there was greater wrinkling in the afternoon than in the morning; they concluded that the face literally falls with gravity as the day progresses. At night, you get a chance to reverse that.
Stay hydrated: Keeping skin moist from the inside out is a simple, relatively inexpensive, and quite effective moisturizer. Drink six to eight glasses of plain water throughout the day and include omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and nuts) in your diet, says Dale Prokupek, MD, a Beverly Hills internist and an associate professor of gastroenterology and nutrition at UCLA. To help avoid moisture loss from the skin while sleeping, turn on a humidifier. "I used one in my bedroom for a dry throat problem and soon realized my skin never looked better," he says. (Be sure to clean the humidifier often, especially if you're prone to allergies.)
Use a moisturizer after bathing: Seal in the moisture that the topmost layer of your skin has absorbed with a hydrating body lotion or cream. Because you're going to bed--not pulling on a silk blouse or cashmere sweater--you can try a cream that's richer than you would feel comfortable wearing during the day. 

Taken from an article by Janet Kinosian. Janet is a journalist who writes for the Los Angeles Times.

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