Friday, January 20, 2017

What Does Your Skin Need?

       How much do you really know about what your skin needs? There are four basic skin types: Oily, combination, normal and dry. Your skin type is determined by how much -- or how little -- oil your skin produces. 
     You can take the "skin test." All you need is a piece of tissue. Wipe your face with a clean tissue and observe it. For those having normal skin, the oil does not come on the tissue and your face does not feel tight or flaky. If your skin is oily then there would be oil on the tissue which is seen as transparent spots. The oil comes usually from the nose, forehead and cheek parts. On the other hand if there is oil only in the center part then it is combination skin. The oil comes from the forehead and nose but does not come from the cheeks. For those who have dry skin they will have no oil in the tissue and the skin is left with a feeling of dryness.
     Here are the four different skin types and their characteristics. 

Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes.  Oily skin contains a lot of sebum which helps prevent the skin from drying out. However, oily skin tends to attract more dirt and dust than dry skin. Use warm water to loosen the dirt, use a cleansing soap, then use cold water to rinse. Use toners and astringents. Very oily skin needs no extra moisturizing at all while you are in your teens.

Type 2: Combination/normal Most of us have this kind of skin with medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may have dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.  Ideally, you should have one product for the oily areas and one for the dry areas, but this is expensive and unnecessary unless the areas of dry and oily are very different. Use a skin cleanser for the central oily panel, diluted with water for the drier areas.

Type 3: Dry Dry skin looks dry, feels tight, especially after cleansing if you have used soap. It has a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. Sometimes it is lacking some of the protective sebum and so it reacts to very hot and very cold weather by tightening up and it is easily chapped in dry weather. Always use mild, alcohol-free make up and toner, and a rich, creamy cleanser.  Use warm water to lather and rinse it with cold. Moisturize your face every day, including the throat and the skin around your eyes.

Type 4: Normal . Normal skin is supple, lively, vibrant and elastic. Normal skin is clear, pimple free, soft, smooth and without any greasy or flaky areas. The skin is neither dry nor greasy. Moisturizer could be applied to the face every night before sleep to balance the moisture content in the skin. A mild cleanser could be on normal skin.  This keeps the pores tight. A toner or astringent could be used to remove any traces of cleanser present on the skin. When using toners or astringents make sure these are alcohol free. 

*If you have sensitive skin use cosmetics and skin care products which are alcohol free, emulsifier free and even

*Getting older means that the skin starts to age and certain changes takes place in the skin. The skin shows drastic changes as it becomes wrinkled, dry and various spots and certain growths occur. Exfoliation should be an integral part of any mature skin-care routine.
Remember proper care to your skin now will result in better skin as you get older!

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