Monday, April 22, 2013

It Could Always Be Worse

Last Friday put a leettle crimp in my Marathon training. I was so careful to not run on any icy roads so I wouldn't fall. So what happens? I take a tumble down the garage steps at my daughter's house. I ended up spraining my ankle and my arm. (Yes, there were tears shed from pain and from the realization that I wouldn't be running the Earth Day Half Marathon the next morning.)

But, things could always be worse. We thought at first my arm might be broken. Luckily, after my chiropractor x-rayed it we found out it wasn't. My ankle had just a simple sprain. I heard today that part of the half-marathon course was a very icy downhill. I know of two gals who fell down and got seriously hurt. (hamstring injury and blown-out knee)

So I am recovering and saying prayers of thanksgiving that I wasn't hurt worse. My daughter is my chiropractor. Lucky for me she could get me into her clinic several times over the weekend for ultra-sound and inferential treatment. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and so has the pain. I'm trying hard to be a good patient and follow all of her directions. I'm so hoping she will give the ok for me to run later this week. I am scheduled to get in my last long run this weekend before the marathon in 4 weeks.

I am actually a little embarrassed to even write this post after what happened in Boston. My injuries pale in comparison to those marathon victims and their injuries. You can bet that when I'm running my marathon I'll be running for them!

(Any tips on how to take care of a sprained ankle?)

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