This past week I did something that was not feeling very comfortable to me. I love to formulate products, write product descriptions, make up orders and write my blog and newsletter. However, I am NOT a salesperson.
My hubby on the other hand can talk to anyone. So...I sent him in to scout out a cute new boutique downtown where he works. I was looking for another place to sell my products. This seemed like the perfect fit. (He reported back that they had no products like mine.) I put off going down there for some time coming up with all kinds of excuses. Finally, I just decided to go for it. I knew my lotion would sell (it's great!) if I could just sell! I worked really hard to look my best and I practiced my speech in the car as I drove. The butterflies were really at work in my tummy I tell ya! I took along a sample to leave with the owner and some big lotion bottles so she could see what the finished product looks and smells like.
I must have done something right. She ordered a bunch right on the spot! The store is just so fun, I'm hoping that she does really well in that location. When I went to deliver the lotion yesterday, I sort of pretended that I was hubby and tried a little schmoozing and lots of small talk. It actually was kind of fun after I got over my initial nervousness.
So, sometimes it's good to step out of our comfort zone and take a risk. I will probably be just as nervous the next time I try this but at least I'll have had a little experience with it and some success too.
Have you had to step out of your comfort zone this summer?
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